weight loss resource

2012年7月13日 星期五

lose weight Diet

Weight loss Diet court robes and barley diet 

Yuan Dynasty suddenly Si Hui drink meal and once describes hairpin able to water, swelling, weight loss, diet side of the moisture five internal organs, "Compendium of Materia Medica", "porridge spectrum" to lose weight Diet of the records.
How bitter, lose weight eat Diet to lose weight is to make up. We recommend only a single a few weight loss Diet:
1, barley porridge
30 grams of barley, the amount of sugar as raw material. Coix seed washed, placed in the casserole, add water, adequate, and then the casserole set Wu Huo boiling, the latter with gentle heat simmer to boil. Add sugar and tries to be Yiyiren Shulan random diet. Can Spleen dampness, swelling and weight loss.

2, carp soup
Piper RB 5 grams of fresh carp 100 g, 15 g Chuanjiao, ginger, parsley, wine, onion, monosodium glutamate, vinegar is the amount of raw materials. Carp to the scales, Caesarean section gutted, washed, cut into small pieces; ginger, green onions, washed, film break stand. Piper RB carp, onions, ginger into the pot, add water, set Wu Huo boil stew boil for about 40 minutes on a slow fire shift. Add parsley, wine, monosodium glutamate, vinegar and serve. Eating alone, can also be adorned with fish soup. Can benefit water swelling and weight loss.

3, melon porridge
80 grams - 100 grams with a fresh skin melon (melon kernels, dry 10 grams -15 grams of fresh 30 g), 100 grams of rice as raw material. Melon using Daogua washed, cut into small pieces, and then together with the rice placed in the casserole, together with Zhu Chengyu can (do not salt porridge). The first melon kernel Jianshui to the residue, then a net rice put the porridge to cook, eat it every morning and evening twice. Swelling diuretic, reducing weight and fat.

4, the lotus leaf congee
Xian Heye 1 (approximately 200 g), 100 grams of rice, sugar amount as raw material. Wash the rice, add water, rice porridge. Pro cooked fresh tea wash cover, simmer about 15 minutes, thrown off the lotus leaf, porridge into a pale green, then boil a few moments to. When serving Zhuojia sugar, can be served at any time. Can Qingshu, Sheng Jin, thirst quencher, and lipid-lowering diet.

5, braised radish, seaweed
Kelp, the appropriate amount of radish, cloves, star anise, cinnamon, pepper, walnut, vegetable oil, soy sauce, the amount of raw materials. Kelp soaked in water for one day and one nights (middle for 2 water), then cut into the wire, radish and cut into thick filament. Vegetable oil cooked Jiahai with wire fry a few, put the cloves, star anise, cinnamon, pepper, walnuts, soy sauce and water to boil, the change in the fire till the kelp bad, add Ruluobosi stew can be cooked consumption. Can benefit water to cool down, lose weight.

Keywords: lose weight Diet palace the Empresses barley diet

